how did you attract/ address the audience?

When thinking about what I was going to say as the main presenter I told myself if I was not friendly/ likable, in the first 10 seconds people would turn over. So I spoke to the audience like there was only one person listening this was so I could connect to the audience and make them feel like I was talking to them personal. When thinking about attracting/ addressing the audience it was quite hard so I listened to a number of different radio stations, for example, Radio 1, Heart 102.6 & BBC Oxford. These helped me because I could see how they each attracted and addressed the audience but they all used different techniques, for example, some presenter spoke in slang to attract a younger audience, some presenters changed the tempo of their voice to make the audience listen to what the presenter was saying. I also wanted to include a perfect start ( saying hello and who I was) and a perfect finish (helping it flow from one person to another.) This was to give the audience the wow factor and make them feel like they have bot heard this news before.

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