Conventions of Local Radio News (Heart 102.6)

Pause: Radio in general does not use pause but pauses do occur in radio this is called dead air. This could be between a song and talk or during conversation.

Slang: Slang is used in radio to connect the presenter to the listener. For example, some radio presenters may use words like "mate, ennit" ext. Some radio station use this type of talk but heart 102.6 try's to talk more formally to the listener.

Catch phrase: This is a phrase or a expression which can be easily recognized. For Example, Heart's catch phrase is "More music variety."

Jingle: This is a short catchy slogan which can include music. For example, Heart's slogan is "This is your heart," this catchy because it is short but also easy to remember. This would come in at the beginning and at the end of the news bulletin.

International news: This is news in which is happening all over the world. People like to know this type of news because it helps them establish what is happening all over the world and making them aware of social issues.

Local news: This is news in which people maybe able to relate too because it is in their local area. people may get more affected by this news because it is local to them and they might be able to relate with the person it is happening to. this could cover a number of stories, for example, heroes and villains, social issues, death in the local community ext. This is mainly used before or after the international news depending in the station. Heart 102.6 has international news before the local news.

Weather & travel: This comes before or after the main news bulletin. This is where they up-date local people about the weather and travel in their local area.

(OB) Outside broadcast: This is where reporters go out and report on local or international news stories. This is mainly used on TV but can also be used in radio. This is also called Actuality, this is where actual recording of news event or person(s) involved. Heart does not really do outside broadcast.

Vox - Pop (voice of the people): This is where the radio station gets a person's point of view. this could be done by going into local communities and asking local people on their views. This can also be done by listeners phone in and can also give there views. This mainly used on local news but also international stories. Heart does use the voice of the people by people phoning in.

Arcive sound clip: This is where something is pre-recorded this is used in radio but it could be sound clips which were recordings of TV. Heart uses arcive sound clips to report on TV programmes, reward presentation ext.

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